12CPP.ZIP 322,209 03-06-95 HP 12C Calculator for Windows. 100%compatible with the HP original. Fullysizeable, extensive help, and alternatedialog box entry.
4HAND1.ZIP 29,998 01-19-95 FourHand v1.0. Examines Fourier seriesequations. Creates interactive examples ofhow to make just about any periodicfunction.
ATIME101.ZIP 332,992 02-05-95 Astronomy Time for Windows v1.01. Displays5 Astronomical time formats in large LEDtype displays. An elapsed time display andalarm with event sounds are included.
BIGMAT22.ZIP 133,918 02-14-95 Big Math Attack! Tests your math skills,spelling, typing and metric conversionsskills in a fun arcade environment. Severalskill levels are available that makes thisprogram suitable for both children andadults.
CLC171.ZIP 57,315 01-27-95 Command line Scientific Calculator - w/graphs.
ELEMV10.ZIP 49,517 03-14-95 Periodic Table for Windows v1.0. RegisteredVersion has full chart, searches bycharacteristics of elements, quizzes, andmore!
GEOCLK61.ZIP 338,703 01-30-95 GeoClock v6.1. Sunlight clock. The currentsun position is displayed, and the parts ofthe earth in sunlight and twilight arehighlighted, with local sunrise/set andtimes around the world.
HUBBLE19.ZIP 408,639 01-29-95 Hubble Space Telescope v1.91 for Windows.Planetarium program.
LECL20E.ZIP 136,207 03-24-95 Lunareclipse v2.0E. Interactivelunareclispe program. Fast animatedGraphics. Interactive controlling of moonmovement. 800 Locations database.
MATHKID3.ZIP 15,225 02-04-95 MathKid: Arithmetic Practice. For studentsof Grades 3 & 4 to pratice Addition andSubtraction.
MATHPL36.ZIP 122,057 02-25-95 MathPlot v3.6 <ASP> Mathematical functionplotting program. Enter math functionsusing ordinary algebraic notation andimmediately plot them. Cartesian, polar,and parametric functions are supported.
MBINGO12.ZIP 357,313 02-17-95 Math Bingo v1.2 <ASP> Your child willeasily learn math facts while having funplaying bingo in an easy-to-use programwhich teaches math in a non-drill way.
MCC9509.ZIP 149,635 02-25-95 Mission Control Clock program.
METCON67.ZIP 266,370 02-10-95 MetriCon v6.7. Metric Unit ConversionUtility. 30,000+ unit conversions possible.Features on-line help, context sensitive.Converts imperial to metric, metric toimperial, as well as to/from many otherarchaic/ancient sys
MTUTOR.ZIP 371,875 02-15-95 Math Tutor for Windows. Helps grades 1 - 6improve their math skills.
NEONDET.ZIP 10,185 02-05-95 Schematics and plans to build a Scalar Wavedetector and a microwave detector.
NLREG33.ZIP 210,957 02-25-95 Nlreg v3.3 <ASP> Nonlinear RegressionStatistics and Curve Fitting. Determinesthe values of parameters for an equation,whose form you specify using ordinaryAlgebraic notation, that cause the equationto best fit a set o
OHMS_LAW.ZIP 8,582 01-29-95 OHMS Law for Windows v1.1.
ORIA100.ZIP 1,062,618 02-01-95 Oriana for Windows v1.0. Calculates thespecial statistics required for circulardata. Calculates circular mean, length ofmean vector, circular standard deviationand standard error, confidence limits andmore!
PLAN65E.ZIP 197,371 03-24-95 Planetarium v6.5E. Interactive astronomyprogram. Fast animated VGA-Graphics. Highaccuracy ephemerides of sun, moon and allnine planets. Jupiter moons in realtime!With observer diary!
PWRLITE.ZIP 105,709 01-08-95 PowerCalc Lite v1.0 for Windows. Powerfulcalculator features RPN logic and anextensive library of mathematicalfunctions. Designed to meet the needs ofengineers, technicians and students who usecalculators on a regular
QUAD12.ZIP 24,454 01-26-95 Linear Equations v1.2. Helps find the rootor roots of ANY quadratic equation!
QUICKSKY.ZIP 456,168 02-17-95 Quick-Sky v2.5. Displays weather conditionsfor various locations in the US and Canada.
RPMCAL.ZIP 10,472 02-02-95 Command-line Calculator. Quickly performs+, -, * and / from the command-line.
SKYMAP22.ZIP1,249,219 01-09-95 SkyMap v2.2 for Windows <ASP> Drawsaccurate maps of the sky, showing stars,planets, deep sky objects, comets etc.Detailed information can be shown for anyobject. Can print maps to any printer.
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SPIR11.ZIP 56,305 01-25-95 Spiral v1.1 for Windows. Greatvisualization of Fibonacci spirals and texton mathematics.
SYMBOL55.ZIP 130,646 02-28-95 Mathomatic v5.5. Powerful symbolic mathprogram that can automatically solve,simplify, combine and graph algebraicequations, etc. Does calculus operations,too. Mathomatic is an inexpensivealternative to Mathematica.